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Video: Zinc: Antiseptic To Pathogens

Zinc: Antiseptic To Pathogens

Zinc: Antiseptic To Pathogens

Zinc (as liquid zinc sulfate) is responsible for all of the over 2,000 chemical functions of the liver, including the creation of your liver in the womb and the development of your liver as you grew and reached adulthood. The liver stores an abundance of zinc because it knows people are zinc deficient, in part due to the lack of it in the food we eat. Without zinc, your liver can’t perform its functions that protect your whole body. The onslaught of viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens in particular drains our zinc reserves.

Zinc gives a major boost to the immune system by strengthening white blood cells such as lymphocytes, basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils, macrophages, and monocytes—so that they can seek out and destroy pathogen cells. Zinc helps the liver’s immune system fend off every unfriendly microorganism that enters the liver. If you suspect you might be coming down with a cold or flu, you may wish to try Medical Medium Zinc Shock Therapy right away.

Zinc itself is also an antiseptic to pathogens such as Epstein-Barr and shingles, so taking it suppresses their growth in the body while also helping to reduce inflammation and the growth of nodules, tumors, and cysts. Zinc strengthens the thyroid and stabilizes the adrenals, too. It’s also critical for fertility.

If you have any symptom or condition, zinc is an invaluable supplement. Zinc is critical for liver health, autoimmune conditions, acne, adrenal problems, arthritis, cancer, eczema, psoriasis, brain fog, child and baby liver, diabetes, fatigue, gout, heart palpitations, hepatitis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hot flashes, inflammation, migraines, SIBO, sinus infections, weight issues, vertigo, tinnitus, multiple sclerosis, lupus, Lyme disease, thyroid problems, Epstein-Barr, shingles, UTIs, candida, and every other symptom and condition. If you have a symptom of any kind or you wish to help prevent symptoms in the future, it’s time to make zinc your best friend.

Take zinc as an oral liquid zinc sulfate supplement. For suggested dosages for many different symptoms and conditions, you can refer to the information in Cleanse To Heal.

This item posted: 19-Jul-2021

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