Medical Medium Podcasts


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The Plotter Series S2 E4: Plotters Bully A Mother And Her Children

A mother who healed from Lyme disease and has been utilizing Medical Medium information for years is interviewed to discuss her experiences as someone who was close friends with Stephanie Tisone and has had many interactions with the plotters. Kimberly Spair was physically present to witness what really happened with Stephanie while Ashleigh Foster, the number one plotter who has tried to assert her...

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The Plotter Series S2 E3: Ashleigh Foster's Severe Pattern Of Lying And Inaccuracy

The leader of the campaign to take Medical Medium down, Ashleigh Phillips Foster, gets caught in one of the most ambitious lies of all time. It is a lie that Ashleigh has been telling at least 9 different contradictory versions of, repeatedly, to anyone and everyone who would listen to her…for years. Married to Britton Foster, a documentary cinematographer, Ashleigh has been using fabricated stories...

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The Plotter Series S2 E2: Ashleigh Foster's Motives

Ashleigh Foster is the number one person responsible for the plot to take down Medical Medium and all of the chronically ill people who have been harmed by it. Ashleigh Foster is the ringleader of an organized, anti-Medical Medium hateful group that she created on a mountain of lies. Ashleigh fed a false story to Vanity Fair, and another source admitted on recording that he and Ashleigh had to threa...

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Supplement Fear: How To Take Supplements When Sensitive

Supplement sensitivities are not always what they seem. Many times, the sensitivity is from the supplements someone has taken from the past, such as toxic ones that made the person's nerves sensitive through irritating the gut nerve linings or lowering the stomach's gastric juice production. All supplements are not the same, just like all people aren’t the same, all water is not the same and all foo...

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The Plotter Series S2 E1: Time To Set The Record Straight

Years ago, a group of people secretly teamed up and did everything they could to try to knock Medical Medium out of the health space. They formed a multi-step, long-term plot to create a “Post Medical Medium Era” by feeding false information to mainstream media companies anonymously, in hopes that it would lead to securing themselves a deal for an anti-Medical Medium documentary that would be sold t...

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Food Sensitivities: Are You Reacting To Certain Foods?

So many people these days don’t know what they can eat. They struggle with food choices, and not because they are not educated on various foods to choose or try, but instead because they are afraid for a host of other reasons, one being PTSD towards foods due to a history of reactions and complications that are mostly unexplainable. It’s one thing if someone is seriously allergic to a food such as p...

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Chemical Sensitivities: Are Your Nerves Reacting To Chemicals?

There are people who are chemically sensitive without knowing it. They are completely unaware that some of their symptoms are stemming from an overload of pathogens and toxins that are stationed in their liver, causing random spills at random times, while chemicals from a variety of places and other sources are triggering more and more symptoms and conditions. Oftentimes, people who are chemically s...

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Avoid Certain Foods? Or Eat What You Want

There’s avoiding certain foods and then there’s avoiding certain foods because you know the true cause and reason as to why you need to avoid those certain foods—and knowing the true cause is critical. Foods don’t just magically cause inflammation. If that were the case, then everyone eating foods suspected as inflammatory would get inflamed when eating them. But everyone is different, and one of th...

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Adrenal Fatigue: What's Killing Our Adrenals

Today’s care for adrenals in the realm of alternative and conventional medicine is similar to being on a boat in the ocean, but there’s a hole in the bottom of the boat and all you have is a little bucket to scoop out the water that’s coming in, and in order to stay afloat you have no choice but to keep scooping the water out or you will drown. Any recommendations that are potentially helpful for so...

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How A Virus Spreads: Everyone Gets Viral

Viruses go from one person to another. That’s the goal of the makers and creators of viruses; they are engineered and manufactured to go from one person to another. Shotgun Viruses are viruses such as Flu, Covid, and Ebola. These viruses, when entering the body, are designed to rapidly produce and blow up quickly inside the body. One person may only get infected by one to three viral cells, which me...

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How Sick Are You: Are You Just Managing Your Symptoms

There are two worlds in chronic illness. One world is the Not So Sick, and that world is defined by people who haven’t been totally exhausted from doctor shopping or trying everything interesting in the alternative health world while still keeping an optimistic approach. The Not So Sick still have a passion for managing their mild bloating, mild weight gain, mild acne, mild fatigue and so many other...

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Epstein-Barr Virus: It's Out Of Control

Chronic mystery illness isn’t just about the ten cases a year of an unexplainable, random and confusing onset of symptoms after staying on a cruise ship somewhere near a remote island. Chronic mystery illness is everywhere, every day and rampant. There’s not a person on this planet that won’t eventually experience it at some point in their lifetime, even if it’s just in their last years here. Why is...

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The Power Of Healing: Your Body Is Fighting For You

When we get sick and are not healing and others in our life are doubting us, a whisper down the lane can come and haunt us. It’s a whisper that sounds like this: “YOU HAVE A FEAR OF HEALING.” This is a phrase that has become popular over the years—popular because no one really knows truly why anyone is sick. Sure, there are lots of theories and ideas, but in the end, when someone is not healing, eve...

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The Taste Demon: Stopping You From Healing

One of the biggest hills to climb when healing is getting past taste. What food tastes like can have a huge influence on a person taking the correct steps to reverse their symptoms and conditions. Even if the foods truly taste delicious, it doesn’t change the programming someone has adapted to for most or all of their life. This challenge is even far above that of comfort foods and soothing foods us...

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STIs and STDs: Are On The Rise

STIs and STDs are increasing substantially over the last few years, but that’s not the only concern. The greater concern is why, especially since people having sex has not substantially increased. At the beginning of the Covid lockdown, people who were on the dating scene or sexually active were halted and forced into a dry spell, and the world of finding partners slowed down greatly. Then, when the...

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Food Poisoning: Underreported & Underrated

Illness and disease are getting their spotlight out there in mainstream and alternative medicine lately and media outlets are finally touching upon how people are getting sick. There is still a lack of information and a lack of understanding for the chronically ill and it’s possible this will never change for the better to the degree it needs to. One thing that never goes on the map or gets the atte...

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Coffee Enemas: Still Falling For It

Coffee enemas are making a comeback mostly because of social media. Take something that never really helped anyone in the past and resuscitate it so that it becomes alive again, meanwhile, believe it or not, it still isn’t helping anyone. It’s back to the same ole same ole, a trend growing legs again when it should have been put away and shelved for good. Bold statements to anyone that loves their c...

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Tattoos: How To Keep Your Health Safe

Did you ever wonder how a tattoo looks so good on the body? How the tattoo stands out and even glistens in the sun when on the beach or by a pool? There’s a reason tattoos have clarity—it’s not just how good the tattoo artist is, although that does play a role in how the design stencils out and unfolds or how the freehand is done so carefully well. After the artist works their talented, gifted abili...

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Pharmaceutical Exposure: Everybody's On Drugs

If someone uses a pharmaceutical, a drug, they know it. They know that they’re on a drug. Their doctor prescribed that drug. They wake up in the morning and open their pill box or pill container, take a pill out and swallow it. It’s their choice—they are completely aware of their decision and their own freewill is at work. But what if you were completely unaware that you were taking a pharmaceutical...

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Mercury In Fish & Fish Oil: Where Does The Mercury Go

The Ocean is filled with living minerals that help create a supernatural energy force that is unmatched by any other natural force on planet earth. But every day it becomes threatened and is under attack by Toxic Heavy Metals, especially Mercury, which has been industrialized along the last few centuries. Industrialized Metals disturb the very life-giving Minerals in the ocean and create constant fr...

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Black Tongue: Tongue Discolorations

Tongue discolorations can drive people mad. Some will go to great lengths in trying to remove whatever film, funk, gunk, is on their tongue, and they’ll live in fear of someone seeing into their mouth and judging them for not having good hygiene. The younger a person is that is experiencing a tongue film or discoloration, the more aggressive in the action of trying to rid it or remove it. This may i...

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Healing Tools & Techniques: To Keep You Strong

There is nothing easy about getting sick. There is nothing easy about staying sick. Millions upon millions of people have fallen ill and have not recovered or completely recovered from their illness and can truly not say that they are out of the woods, free and clear, and past it all. Instead, they are still stuck. Many stuck in a vicious cycle, chasing their tails, looking for answers. And within i...

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Blood Brain Barrier: Gets Penetrated

Nearly everything toxic can end up at some point in time crossing the Blood Brain Barrier. Virtually every man-made toxin and poison on this planet can cross through the barrier, the sacred wall that mysteriously sits in our head. You go to the gas station, you start pumping gas into your tank and breathing in fumes, those fumes cross the Blood Brain Barrier. Or as you are driving an EV and are sitt...

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Food Wars: What Side Are You On?

Food belief systems run deep—they can be passed down from generation to generation. For some families, it can be hundreds of years and the food choices, food habits, food methods, food growing, food making is an entire food culture that becomes the fabric of the family foundation for lifetimes. In the end, food means everything. Without it, we will not exist. Recently in our present day history, foo...

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Alcohol: The Ghost Of Sugar

When anyone says a bad thing about excessive drinking, it’s often related to hurting the liver. That, or it’s related to some form of abuse or irresponsibility, or someone just gets handed to them the infamous phrase “you are an alcoholic,” or, “you need to do something about it. Get your life back on track.” What people don’t hear is that when we consume alcohol, the alcohol begins killing our brai...

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Microdosing & Psychedelics: What Goes Wrong

When we hear the words Micro-Dosing, a trending term, something happens in our mind: it draws a person in, it’s mysterious yet sounds scientific. The word “dose” holds power—it’s a word that has its own energetic force as if it’s alive. How is it alive? It’s an old word that the pharmaceutical world adopted, and the word is etched into generations of people. It’s instilled deep within the consciousn...

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Stephanie Tisone: The Untold Story

Her name is Stephanie Tisone and she passed away from Breast Cancer in 2018. A tragic loss that has broken the hearts of the ones that knew her and loved her. There have been rumors of how this tragedy occurred and the influence of Medical Medium. How is it possible Stephanie died from Breast Cancer, especially when Stephanie seemed so healthy, vibrant and involved in the health world and being a Ra...

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Ep. 3: Plot To Take Down Medical Medium

On Episode 3: Plot To Take Down Medical MediumWe are digging deeper and deeper into the recordings of a group of people who call themselves an “elite” group and the “inner circle” intent on taking down the Medical Medium and the Community. Leaders of this elite group are competitors and rivals of Anthony William and have fed a journalist at a mainstream media outlet a story about the Medical Medium ...

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Ep. 2: Plot To Take Down Medical Medium

On Episode 2: Plot To Take Down Medical MediumWe are digging deeper into the recordings of a group of people who call themselves an “elite” group and the “inner circle” intent on taking down the Medical Medium and the Community. Leaders of this elite group are competitors and rivals of Anthony William and have fed a journalist at a mainstream media outlet a story about the Medical Medium that they h...

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Ep. 1: Plot To Take Down Medical Medium

What you are about to hear may not be easy for many of you, this isn’t the normal Medical Medium podcast episode. The Medical Medium podcast does not normally have guests, but we have learned that a group of rivals and competitors have been working on a plan for over a year to take down Medical Medium and the Medical Medium community and they have been caught red handed. In this episode you will hea...

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Body Swelling: Fluid Retention, Edema, Lymphedema, Tissue Expansion

So many people are uncomfortable, struggling and even suffering from swelling, fluid retention and bloating but not everyone’s swelling, bloating, and fluid retention is the same. Everyone is also experiencing something additional happening within the body that is causing a thickening of tissue, organs, and joints that has very little to do with aging. This is when someone changes as the years go by...

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Soul Light Infusion Meditation

This is a powerful soul-healing meditation from Brain Saver Protocols, Cleanses & Recipes to mend fractures in the soul that have collected throughout the years as you experienced hardships, losses, betrayal, broken trust, and times of being misunderstood, or if you fought battles against injustice in your life and lost, or if you feel you have lost a piece of your soul and you are searching to get ...

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Save Your Brain: Before It's Too Late

We go through life looking at everything we can see in plain sight, and then we pick and choose the things that feel most important to us, or we choose things we need, and then protect those very things. But what about what we can’t see? What about what we can’t touch? And yet, the thing we can’t touch or see is so very close to us that it resides in us, but we do not protect it. We can even avoid i...

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Aliens: Prophets & Monsters

We are at a point in history where it is well established, and even accepted, that there are UFO’s flying around the Earth’s atmosphere and in the skies above us, and that extraterrestrials are real. But what else is there to know? What about early civilizations? Did people back then have any knowledge of other lifeforms, or lifeforms that looked humanoid-like, and were not normally here from this e...

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Intermittent Fasting: The Downfall

Why do so many people struggle with their eating, trying different diets and weight loss gimmicks? Because they don’t feel good in some way, or they don’t want to keep gaining unwanted weight, or they are struggling with an eating disorder, or maybe they are just looking for an optimum way of living and want the most beneficial diet out there that they can find. This is when many stumble across inte...

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Eating & Confused: Trying To Use Food To Heal

Do we listen to our body? Or are we just listening to our consciousness? Is our consciousness conditioned to choose the foods our body doesn’t want to eat? Does our body want the same foods our consciousness wants? No one should be judged upon what they are eating. In today’s harsh world it’s easy to lean on comfort foods and use them as a drug to get by. At the same time, we kind of are aware that ...

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Natural Flavor Scam: You've Been Had

Have you noticed yet? There is an increasing amount of products you consume that have some form of natural flavors in the ingredient list on the bottle, package, or container. So many of us want pure, clean, organic, non-GMO foods and beverages, and we look at the labels so we can admire the goodness we are nourishing our bodies with. But when it comes to the words "natural flavors,” the question co...

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Raw Honey: Too Much Sugar?

Too many times you hear out there, “stay away from honey, it’s all sugar,” but is it? Food Science and research would have you believe its made out of all sugar, and most health professionals would have you believe that as well, but honey isn’t just made up of just sugar. It’s a powerful plant medicine, and the sugar in honey is the healing glucose your body utilizes to function and your brain utili...

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Nutritional Yeast: Is It A Beauty Or A Beast?

Nutritional yeast has always been heralded as a highly nutritious food source, but is it really? Or has nutritional yeast only just gotten good for us because the word ‘nutritional’ was placed in front of the yeast and we are being fooled? These days nutritional yeast is thrown on almost everything that is in the healthy snack food arena to give fun foods an extra tasty kick. Many people who love th...

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Healing Story: Alyssa Degati

Millions of people either have or know somebody who has struggled with the symptoms and conditions of a chronic illness from a young age. In this podcast I talk to someone who not only began her battle against debilitating symptoms at the early age of nine, but someone who fought this battle against illness for over a decade. From pulmonary embolisms, weight gain and eating disorders to hot flashes,...

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Avocado: What You Don't Know About The Avocado

The avocado was not always a favorite in the alternative health world, nor was it even a favorite in the conventional health world. It was considered bad for the heart, or even toxic, and likewise labeled as a feared food in medical universities. Doctors were told to avoid them. Avocados do have health positivities but also have health drawbacks—health drawbacks that are far different than any conce...

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Breathing Light Meditation: For Healing The Mental, Emotional & Physical

When we learn how to access the light from above for our healing, we empower ourselves in a way that can alter and change how we feel. Working alongside the light from above to allow our bodily systems to engage in healing enables us to speed up repairing old wounds emotionally and physically, and to reroute the body’s energy grid in order to ignite profound changes and levels that are deep within t...

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Banana: Worst Food On The Planet?

The banana is far from the most liked food out there in the world of health. The banana is hated greatly because it has natural fruit sugars, something that is feared by almost all health practitioners, because sugar is the enemy of the health and wellness world. But is it that bad? What’s interesting is that chronic illness is growing at a record rate never seen before in our modern history and lar...

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Teeth: Everyone's Getting Drilled

There are millions of people sitting in dentists’ offices around the world getting their teeth drilled. Crowns, implants, bridges, fillings, root canals, veneers and tooth repairs are a common theme while the causes of teeth problems are still a mystery. The dental world has its usual fall guys. The blame game calls out lemons as being one of the culprits at the top of the list along with fruit eati...

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Lemon Water: Is It Really That Bad?

There are many misconceptions in the realm of health. One particular misconception is lemon water harming our teeth. But the truth is there are millions upon millions of people sitting in dentists’ chairs getting teeth drillings, root canals, fillings, crowns, implants, bridges, veneers and more, and lemons were not the top focus of their diet. When someone has teeth problems, their dentist or healt...

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